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Which Code School class would be best for your 8-13 year old?

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

It can be confusing to select a class. Who has time to click through and read the fine print of what a class includes or doesn't. This helpful infographic takes you through the decision tree - is your child between ages eight and twelve? Then depending on whether they have coded games or not, you can select level I or II for either Introduction to Game Design (younger children) or Intermediate Scratch Level I. The QR code at the end takes you directly to our online booking system.

We have in the pipeline a parent-child hour of code for children between ages five to seven years. For our 13-15 year old coders we have scheduled Advanced Scratch Coding where we dive deep into concepts like cloud variables, multiplayer games, lists, and many more, and also introduction to python.

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